Welcome to my Web Site


This web site was donated to me by my Great Uncle. Although there are many embarrassing photographs, I do not blame him. I blame my parents, Mummy and Daddy, for allowing the photos to be taken, or worse still,taking the photos and then sending them to my Great Uncle. All I can say at this point is that when I am old enough to look after the web site, revenge will be sweet.


This is me with my Mummy.
This is my Mr Magoo Impression.
I thought I was going to be a Rochdale supporter Daddy? Thanks for the bib Great Uncle.
What's with all the pink. If I grow up Gay I will remind Mummy and Daddy of this moment.
This sleeping lark is very tiring!
Wow, those dancers on the TV are HOT!
Stop taking all the photos.
Yum, Yum. Can't wait to get onto solids. Those kebabs Mummy has look delicious.
I am trying some magic tricks. This is the dislocating my leg illusion.